1 bar of soap
1 box of Arm and Hammer Washing Soda
1 box of Borax
10 gallon tote
HEAT 4 cups of water on stove. Grate soap and add to water. DO NOT BOIL!
Pour 2 gallons of hot water into container. Pour soap mixture in and stir. Pour 1 cup of Washing Soda in and stir. Pour 1/2 cup Borax in and stir! STIR, STIR, STIR!
Put lid on tight and let sit for 24 hours so it makes a gel. Use 1 cup per load!
How does it clean compared to detergent you've bought? Is the 10 gallon tote necessary or could a smaller one work?
Did you get this from the Duggers on 17 and counting?? I saw them do that on there and seriously thought about giving it try - but have yet to do it. Thanks for giving us the recipe!!
wow. who are you!??!?
So do you use the mug on top to dip out the amount you need? How much do you use per wash?
Found you through a friend's blog...do you know if it works in front loading washers? And also, how much do you use? Thanks for the recipe!
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